Virtual camping weekend/concours ?

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Virtual camping weekend/concours ?

Post by 72degrees »

My local VMCC section are having regular virtual coffee mornings using Zoom. A 40 minute session is free to host. You wouldn't want to discuss anything needing security on it, but for a noggin 'n natter it's fine. You don't need a Zoom account to participate and can use just the web portal if not wanting to install the client/app.

If using a mobile device (phone or tablet) within wifi range or access to generous data you can wander around and point the camera at stuff (like a Morini!)

To ease the lockdown cabin fever how about a MRC gathering one of the days this weekend?

I'm lucky enough to be able to wheel a Morini on to my lawn for the full 'rally' experience, but in garage participation would be just as fun.

Anyone interested PM me, as publishing a meeting link URL, even on a forum is not a great idea.
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corsaro chris
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Re: Virtual camping weekend/concours ?

Post by corsaro chris »

Any positive replies, Pete?

The BB&O section held a virtual meeting a week or so ago, which went very well, and I think that the Corsaro Section are thinking of a similar approach; neither of these are potentially open to a wider audience of course - and it might be the way to go for those Club members in far flung corners...

The Granpasso is cleaner than ever (although potentially not clean enough for Floyd, instigator of the Corsaro section), cleaner even than when I took it down to the Bristol show, which seems so long ago now, and I've washed the others as well. Might need to put some coolant in the ZZ, but apart from that, it's just tending the garden...

Take care,

"I'll use the Morini"
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Re: Virtual camping weekend/concours ?

Post by 72degrees »

No. Billy no mates ;)

Another VMCC section coffee morning today though. Featuring a video (by Zoom show screen) of a Velo running, that hadn't for two years. The contributor cheated by not actually showing getting it started though (free Zoom sessions are only 40 minutes ;) ).

Have an invite to join in the next BB&O do which I may take up.
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corsaro chris
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Re: Virtual camping weekend/concours ?

Post by corsaro chris »

Hi Pete;

Do come in to the meeting - you'll enjoy it and it'll be nice to catch up! We can swap tales of gardening (it'll make a change from talking about railways... :D :o ) Have a good Easter!!!


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Re: Virtual camping weekend/concours ?

Post by mbmm350s »

Oi Corsaro Chris you know the rules you can't mention trains until after 9pm and never when ladies are present.
Pete do join us. We wouldn't want any Billy no mates in our club. :D
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