
Post details of any upcoming Morini event or any event you think Morini enthusiats would be interested in.
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Post by mikeybizzle »

Spent a good day at the Stafford show today .
Had a really warm welcome on the Guzzi club stand unlike the Morini Riders stand , shame really when it looked like a lot of effort had been put into the Morini stand .
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Re: Stafford

Post by Emmohaswheelsagain »

Unusually a prior commitment kept me away from Stafford this weekend.
Your comments Mikey are a little surprising.
I am sure Roy and the rest of the team will respond.
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Re: Stafford

Post by MickeyMoto »

Not wishing to denigrate the people who run the stand in their own time, I, too, was a little disappointed in the stand. I think maybe the size had a lot to do with it. It was rather small and people could not walk around freely. As there were a few bikes it seemed impossible to show much else and the people on the stand appeared hemmed in.

Was the stand smaller, a victim of the success of the show?


PS I shan't be going next year. I had to arrange an overdraft for lunch. Oh, and Bonham's can go and £*#@ right off. £25 to look at the lots? Cheeky buggers.
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Re: Stafford

Post by Gary D »

Evening all!

I'm cheesed that I didn't get to Stafford...though not that I missed paying Bonhams £25! Restoring the 500 got the nod on the day & long overdue too.

I've done over 50 car or bike shows as an exhibitor & have found organising a stand to be bloody hard work...& I was getting paid! Learning how to best display is also a real science. We've now attended the Essen Auto Classica for 9 years on the trot & I agree that we have found "less to be more", in terms of getting folks involved & talking. Limited space makes matters a deal harder though. Couple that with the fact that space normally costs money & things get more interesting/difficult.

Show work isn't easy work & sometimes all the effort can seem misspent, in terms of either the results achieved or perhaps the reaction of the customers. I've learnt that you can't win over all of the people all of the time...& also never to be afraid of changing the stand format while the show's in progress. That said, it's also true that it's a lot easier moving some auto parts around, than it is shifting bikes off/around a stand once a show's in motion.

We Morini types certainly go our own way & maybe it doesn't always work? However, our unique taste in bikes illustrates our willingness to see beyond the obvious & seek solutions accordingly. If there's a better a way to do it, then I don't doubt we'll find it!
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Re: Stafford

Post by 72degrees »

Having organised a Classic Mechanics Show stand for the NHCA and Gilera Network some years ago I appreciate the work of the MRC organisers immensely. There was a time when stands were supposed to be roped off to prevent people going on to them (the part with bikes at least). Hard to arrange a warm welcome if visitors have to squeeze past bikes but then a good selection of the marque to have a good look at is understandable. Perhaps the OP could be a bit more specific? I know I sometimes found myself chatting too much to other members and not realising a 'prospect' was hovering wanting to talk in the GeN days. Most of the folks coming to the NHCA stand just watched the videos of hill climb havoc :-)
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Re: Stafford

Post by butchamphib »

Ok I'm probably the wrong person to answer this but here goes.
I spent most of my weekend on the stand only left for a short period. But on my return I was told about someone who was quite rude while the guys where busy helping a member of the public we laughed because the moto Gussi club was mentioned and my personal experience of them is not good.
the stand was half the size of what was expected and very cramped not helped by having to look after mickymoto's fuel tank which he didn't collect :-)
I was very dissapointed that the normal displays hadn't been forwarded from the previous event so Julia made a cracking table display and filled the walls with shirts which obviously worked we got a number of new members.
what people must also realise we cover modern as well as old Morini so I am inundated with enquiries for new 1200's and being a riders club and not just show bikes we get a lot of enquiries for technical help. But there is always coffee and bisquits for people who have the time to chat.
If you ask for Butch or Paul next time they will find us and and both of us can talk a glass eye to sleep.
On a final note it is Tuesday and I have still not fully recovered yet, but wouldn't miss it :-)
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Re: Stafford

Post by morinipete »

Hi all,

I only breezed through, for a quick chat with Phil and Sally (as I was at Mallory when the NLM racer went 'pop') but all looked fine to me.

There will always be people who aren't happy but the bottom line is some people are willing to invest their time, free, and we should be grateful for it. Keeping (let alone building) membership is impossible if we have no physical presence and one sign-up is one more than if we weren't at Stafford. If people aren't happy let them volunteer their time to make it better. I don't think anyone would object?

Other people, rather than giving time for free, want something for free (there is a strong argument for keeping this site members only) and that 'free' comes care of you and me who actually pay for membership.


PS. 'Spent 30 odd minutes with Dave Aldana, getting some very memorable (and recorded) quotes on his BSA A65 flat tracking days. I don't feel bad about hogging his time, he was getting paid by Motor Cycle Mechanics :)
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Re: Stafford

Post by Chips1953 »

If you want to come up to Edinburgh next year and show your bike, help with the questions of enthusiasts and have a laugh, you will find plenty of room as we don't have enough of a presence to fill the stand.
Of course it's all for free, even yours and our time.

We only got 2 bikes last year. I was also to blame as I didn't take any of my Morini, but both Christine and I manned the stand.
So put the Scottish Motorcycle Show in your diaries and have some fun, it's what it's all about. (This may be the last time you can come up without using your passport. :shock: :( :lol: )
The Carole Nash MCN Scottish Motorcycle Show, held on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th March 2107.
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Re: Stafford

Post by MickeyMoto »

Hi George,

I may have my Morini ready for then. Like the Edinburgh show as it is a mix of Stafford and the NEC, and a bloody good ride, too. Missed last year as nobody appealed for help.

To those who think I am being critical, yes I am, but read carefully and you will see my observation about stand size was correct. This is not the fault of the people manning the stand. I think Stafford has outgrown it's usefulness for me. Without objective criticism things do not move on.

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Re: Stafford

Post by chirpy999 »

Hi , Ill give my 2p worth about Stafford and the Morini stand. I went with a couple of pals, one has a lot of bikes mainly Kawasaki triples, I also have a couple of triples and belong to that club, my mate wont become a member since he paid a lot of money for a triple which needs a lot of work to get the engine upto the standard of the paint and chrome on the bike. He says clubs are too cliquey and run for the benefit of the few in the clique. Anyway he bought a secondhand crank for one of his triples and was tired carrying it round so the pair of them went to the downstairs bar whilst I said I would go to the Morini stand. It was small probably the smallest its been in my time visiting Stafford probably only had space for 3 bikes I noticed one was a modern one one was a strada and cant remember the other one.
There were about 7 people on the stand which surprised me not sure of all the names but know Paul and Roy I think johmn Parberry was there and 4 more whose names I don't know . I spoke to Roy who tried finding me a club rugby shirt but they are all gone. Had a chat about how my bike was running and next years trackday and Agm. Also spoke to Paul about a matter, and left the stand well satisfied with information gained. Went back to the bar and my mates said where the hell you been? theyd had a pint whilst I was away.

The guys who put the effort in on these weekends deserve a medal, travel to the show sort the stand and then speak to all and sundry about Morini. This is a smashing club always found folks very helpful and enthusiastic.
Anyways why do we have such a small stand? I noticed the stand opposite was the National Autocycle club hardly a big name in motorcycling but it was a bigger stand than our clubs. The Kawasaki triples club always get a stand downstairs why is this? They nearly didn't get a stand together since the previous events organiser resigned. After much hand wringing they got enough folks to cover the stand ,they decided to feature show bikes, the thinking was that that's what people pay to see. Some wanted to see specials or riders .

Stafford in general is getting ridiculous with lots of people asking silly prices for old tat. The price of food and drinks is totally over the top £2 for a tea and £5 for a burger. £14 to get in then Bonhams want £25 for the auction.
Might go next year might not but credit to anybody who gives a weekend up for their club.
I might go next year depends what I need
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Re: Stafford

Post by corsaro chris »

We're doing it all again at the Classic Bike Live event this coming w/e, so if you missed Stafford (as I did) come along and chat to us at Peterborough - see separate post!

And thanks to all the lovely Volunteers who help at all our shows and events, and the visitors for making it worthwhile. :D

Good riding,

"I'll use the Morini"
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Re: Stafford

Post by Gary D »

I'm busting blood vessels to get there! Fair play to those who make an effort representing the marque & the club, at this & all shows. As someone once told me after starting the business & whilst having my 19th nervous breakdown; "Don't forget to enjoy it".I think he meant the business....?!!
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