ATG Magazine

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ATG Magazine

Post by morinipete »

Hi there. A suggestion.

I access ATG on line (though I get a paper copy too), as out of the country. The thing is I never know when an ATG is going to be published, so normally stumble upon it by accident several months after the event. I just have to keep logging on, when I remember, on the off chance a new one is there.

As such would it be possible to flag up on the forum, home page, or some such, when a new ATG is posted on-line ? Not only will this make it easier for those who access it on-line but it also might remind forum visitors, who aren't club members, that there is something they are missing out on.

On a related issue (and why I was just looking for a new ATG) Cadwell is coming up. Perhaps an on-line announcement could be made saying "The new ATG is in the post and on-line. As well as other items the dates and rates for Cadwell 2013 are included". Another reason non-members might want to join ?


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Re: ATG Magazine

Post by morini_tom »

I tend to put a notice on the front page of the website ( saying a new ATG has been uploaded, and a post on the forum to the same effect too. However, yes, this does rely on you periodically checking.

I can look into sending an email out to all members when a new ATG is online, if there is sufficient demand -an exta wheel for me or the membership secretary to keep oiled in the great machine, but do-able if there is a genuine demand... Let us know.

On a related note- I've just uploaded the latest ATG- Enjoy!

p.s.- yes, the latest issue does include Cadwell entry form, open initially to paid up members only. Subject to space, we will open entries up to non members in due course...
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