Having received my new oil pump castings I have fitted the driven and drive opinions and secured the top casting with a trace of Wellseal and new 5mm csk screws in place of the original 4mm screws. I then realised that the mounting holes were 6mm dia instead of 5mm on the original. I understand why the holes have so much clearance to allow the correct depthing of the drive pinion and the skew gear. However considering the Dia of the oil holes in the back of the casting and crank case and pump will this misalignment cause a restriction in th oil flow? Would it help to make some new mounting screws with a 5mm shank and a 4mm thread as I dont think it would be advisable or practical to re tap the crank case 5mm. The new castings are very well machined, however I had to de burr the oil flow holes inside the castings.
- Posts: 55
- Joined: 12 Jun 2022 18:49
- Location: Warwickshire U.K.
Hi there.
I'm only guessing, but here is something you might try... If you remove the pump you could then take a piece of 4mm o.d. rod and slide it into the crankcase until it hits something solid, then cut the rod so that it protrudes by about 6mm. You could then replace the pump so it pops over the rod so you know that the oil flow holes line up. Then you could asses how the screw holes line up and how the driven gears line up. My hope would be that the counter-sunk screws in the countersunk holes in the pump body would be sufficient to pull things into correct alignment but you are right to want to check for sure.
I'm only guessing, but here is something you might try... If you remove the pump you could then take a piece of 4mm o.d. rod and slide it into the crankcase until it hits something solid, then cut the rod so that it protrudes by about 6mm. You could then replace the pump so it pops over the rod so you know that the oil flow holes line up. Then you could asses how the screw holes line up and how the driven gears line up. My hope would be that the counter-sunk screws in the countersunk holes in the pump body would be sufficient to pull things into correct alignment but you are right to want to check for sure.
- Posts: 55
- Joined: 12 Jun 2022 18:49
- Location: Warwickshire U.K.
Having just looked at my old worn out oil pump, and the image of the B&B replacement bodies, the fixing holes don't appear to be countersunk at all. So forget the last line of my previous post, you just need to assess whether you need screws with a different shank.
Having just looked at my old worn out oil pump, and the image of the B&B replacement bodies, the fixing holes don't appear to be countersunk at all. So forget the last line of my previous post, you just need to assess whether you need screws with a different shank.