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Reserve Tap

Posted: 24 Oct 2009 11:23
by snatchpiece
I got some pretty in-depth service literature with my 500, but nothing so simple as to explain the reserve tap. Mine seems to have three positions,
1. The lever is horizontal and pointing to the rear of the bike.
2. The lever is vertical and pointing downwards.
3. The lever is horizontal and pointing to the front of the bike.

Which is off and which is reserve on please?

Posted: 24 Oct 2009 16:09
by MarkB
I thought you weren't meant to touch it until your birthday! If your reserve tap is the same as on my 350 Strada, it's off with the lever pointing forward and on with the lever pointing down. I presume that the lever pointing backwards is off again.

Enjoy it! Mark.

Posted: 25 Oct 2009 13:16
by snatchpiece
MarkB wrote:I thought you weren't meant to touch it until your birthday!
Ssshhh don't tell the missus or she'll never go out and leave me on my own again!

Posted: 25 Oct 2009 21:43
by Brubru
From what I know there should be only two positions on the original Morini reserve tap: horizontal is off,vertical is on. That's how it is on mine. You might have a standard piece from any prehistoric bike without electric main tap, where the three positions are on / off/ reserve.

If it is a tap from a Guzzi for instance, vertical is on, horizontal backwards is off and horizontal forwards is reserve. Are there no indications on it?

Maybe the best way to know is to disconnect the tube and empty the tank in a jerrycan with the tap in each of the positions and see what it gives. Or put a full jerrycan on the back and test it on the road, untill the tank is empty. A good reason to ride it before your birthday: it is for scientific purpose...

Safe ride,
