Some advice? Tacho/Speedo and technique...

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Some advice? Tacho/Speedo and technique...

Post by mhsilverw »


I managed to get out and about over the weekend and got a few more miles under the wheels of the recently acquired Strada. It seems the bike still handles as well as I remember and on some twisty A/B roads (the lovely A151 and B1176) near home the bike tracked and went round bends lovely.

At times it was nice to scamper about a bit - on the twistier bits; but then down some unclassified roads bimbling along enjoying the scenery/sun was good too and not cramped by clipons (which I recall from an encounter with a Sport and going back farther in time an RD400). The Strada, it seems, is like a good compromise between sports (of it's time) and civility.

And I don't think I was in too much of the way for the R1's / Fireblades / CBR600RR's tearing about at warp speed - and if I was it can't have been for long at the speed they disappeared..... :roll:

Now for some advice...

The rev counter (electronic) on the Strada seemed to part of the time register 4000 / 5000 / 6000 reves and then occasionally without warning headed to the 8-9-10 area (with no change in rider input) and tended to wag around the upper reaches before returning to some lower territory seemingly registering revs. It did this a few times. I can't recall if this is 'normal' or is it an indicator of any woes?

(I didn't notice any particular 'poor' running when this occurred; the battery was on the optimate before and after the ride (say 65-70 miles) and registered 'full' charger afterwards almost as soon as it was connected - so I assume the charging is ok. )

The speedo too seemed to 'wag about' and it was difficult to 'guess' at ones velocity - I took it to assume the middle of any oscilations was an approximation of the speed I was doing. Again I can't recall if this is normal behaviour. The speedo cable was/is secure both ends - again is this a symptom of anything I should worry about?

Any offers on some riding advice sought on the Morini - and returning to one of these?

At times I found myself going up through the gears and into top (6th) quite soon trying to let the torquey engine pull me about - a habit I guess from riding older and larger boxer-Beemers more recently; before HMRC came calling with a tax demand.

....with the rev counter being creative it's difficult to tell what rev's I was using and I must say after a few larger more recent bikes I am not used to really revving an engine hard; more in sympathy for its age, so I am afraid to say I am a little unfamiliar with how to get the best out of the bike without abusing it too much :?

....what's recommended?

Is 6th a bit of an overdrive for when wanting to 'cruise' and not 'scamper about'?

As I say it may be difficult to tell revs/speed from the 'rev counter and speedo' and their habit of wavering-about/erratic indications.

What advice is there for a returning to a Morini 350; for occasional "sporting" riding and then touring about...and I guess leading up to what to do at Cadwell (if I get on the track).

Obviously one of my best tuning/riding aids could be bowls of prunes or slimfast :oops: ....but thought I would ask about technique and recommendations for riding approaches.


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Re: Some advice? Tacho/Speedo and technique...

Post by Morizzi »

Hi M,

I'm a 500 Seiv guy and I find 6th a bit of an overdrive. Useful in a downhill run with a bit of a tail wind. :lol: Rear sprocket teeth can account for a lot though. If you find the gearing is generally too high then you can increase the rear sprocket.

Veglia instruments are commonly referred to as Vague Liar where I come from. If they are troublesome then they are probably best left to an instrument technician. I get in there and have a play and even though I'm no expert I'm confident enough not to ask the question you did. :P

If the cable speedo waves then it sounds like it may need some more damping or the square cable drives are a bit worn and there is a bit of play there. If the cable is bent too much then the inner can rotate a bit erratically too.

Tacho? Cable or electronic? If cable then the same as above. If electronic then dodgy connections or damping. The Veglia electronic stuff is not renowned for being robust.

May I compliment you on your question. Lots of background and information. I try to reply in kind. Give me a half line question and you will get a terse reply.


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Re: Some advice? Tacho/Speedo and technique...

Post by unreal »

Hi, I had the same thing with the tacho, and yes it was an iffy contact, you can also try it on the other transducer.
The speedos do that! Make sure the cables well lubed and a dab of grease at each end won't hurt. I ran with a GPS to get an idea of real speed compared to speedo and found it was about 15% over the real speed.

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Re: Some advice? Tacho/Speedo and technique...

Post by Emmohaswheelsagain »

Hi M,

Sounds like you are getting down to some serious enjoyment. :D
Like you I have a mag wheeled Strada, except mine is an import and yours I believe is an original UK model.
My speedo and tacho behave in a similar way to yours and did initially cause me some concern. The truth is unless you have these refurbished you are unlikely to see an improvement. NLM have provided me with details of a specialist but I have long since past the point where this is a priority. I rely instead on feel, listening to the motor and knowing when to change gear. As long as your bike receives regular servicing you will do it no harm. Bring your bike to Cadwell and stay for the rally weekend. We can guarantee a good track day and plenty of opportunity to explore the B & A roads of Lincolnshire. :D

Safe Riding

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Re: Some advice? Tacho/Speedo and technique...

Post by 3potjohn »

I'd have the speedo inner out,wipe it clean and put some grease on it,avoiding a couple of inches near the instrument end,so as to avoid lubricant working up into the unit.On mine the "gear connector" at the back of the speedo ,which the cable screws onto was very loose,causing problems with fluctuation.I 've sealed this with, I think, instant gasket or similar but it still came adrift after going over a large bump recently.
I also have a BMW and find that I rev this more now after riding the Morini. I would think you are unlikely to be over revving the Morini conversely.6th gear for me is only effective at above about 5500rpm on a Sport.Anything less I drop into 5th,though you can pootle along in 6th there won't be any go-factor.
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Re: Some advice? Tacho/Speedo and technique...

Post by 3potjohn »

Just to clarify, I mean have the speedo CABLE inner out...
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Re: Some advice? Tacho/Speedo and technique...

Post by mhsilverw »

Some usefull things to follow up on when I am home at the weekend.

Will look at speedo cable for grease/oil; connections on the electronic tacho - although it seems the phrase "they are all like that" seems to be coming across!

I think I must look to unlearn my riding style and rev the engine more thru the gears - maybe I need to work in t'other direction than might have been the case when I was a youngster :roll: ....and move from being pleasantly surprised to learn the Strada is a lovely torquey motor enough to lug about .....and head in the other direction and "thrash/rev" the bike more. :oops:

Maybe seeing if I can affix a Garmin somehow may help work out speeds, if the instruments continue with their creative output which seems to be what to expect!

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Re: Some advice? Tacho/Speedo and technique...

Post by 3potjohn »

I once made up some "score cards" for the offspring to hold up in the back window of a preceding car, 30 40 50 60 etc
which kept everyone amused.
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Re: Some advice? Tacho/Speedo and technique...

Post by Stunty69 »

Just so as I know mine is running 'ok'....
what comfortable 'cruising' speed should one be expecting from a three n a half Strada?
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