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Another Bl**dy Speedo Sensor

Posted: 02 May 2015 12:21
by nicko
Took the bike out this morning and noticed the speedo reading 0. Bu**er. Quick call to NLM who had one in stock and will post to me. Great service, unlike the sensor.

Re: Another Bl**dy Speedo Sensor

Posted: 02 May 2015 17:33
by Andy R
Have you tried giving the operating surface a damn good clean? With something mildly abrasive/ metallic scraper?
That worked for mine.

Re: Another Bl**dy Speedo Sensor

Posted: 02 May 2015 18:55
by nicko
The bolt heads look clean(ish) and from what I remember, the face of the sensor is sheathed in plastic. Looked at the connection under the side panel, but that looked OK to my untrained eye. I guess that they really aren't up to the job which is somewhat frustrating.
The sensor started playing up just before the bike went back to the factory to sort out peeling engine paint and worked upon its return. If it was changed then (I cannot find out the full extent of the works) then this has only lasted a couple of months, else it dried out and worked albeit obviously intermittently.