Can't get the pillion seat off!

Anything to do with the 1200 Corsaro series
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Gary D
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Can't get the pillion seat off!

Post by Gary D »


I only picked up my '06 Corsaro up a couple of months back, but now want to get under the pillion seat. The seat isn't having any of it though! It's not going anywhere, despite a good tweak of the lock & some err "encouragement". It's an interesting problem as it's pretty much impossible to get to see between the seat & the seat unit...& therefore difficult to get anything in there to try to release the thing.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? The seller did have the seat off while I watched, but he did struggle a little to get it back on again...not for a moment did I expect any issues getting it back off again though :x . I could really use a picture of what lies beneath the seat, so that I can have an educated guess as to where the components are that may be causing the issue & reach in there with a thin prong/hook. Can anyone please help me with an image of beneath the pillion seat?

Many thanks for any help you're able to provide.


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Re: Can't get the pillion seat off!

Post by morini_tom »

If nobody has a picture to hand I could take one over the weekend.

However in the meantime some information for you:

The locking pin is vertically downwards at the rear of the pillion seat. It goes into the locking mechanism which is operated by a cable from the lock.

The front of the seat has an L shaped hook pointing down then forward. One on each side of the seat. These hooks go through a loop welded on the rear subframe.

In the locked position the seat is a nice tight fit on these hooks and the pin at the rear.

The seat basically lifts from the rear, hinging on the front hooks until you can slide the whole thing out.

You might find a palm of the hand on the front edge of the seat, pushing downwards whilst unlocking does the trick.

I've never had any issues although I suppose the lock mechanism could stick.
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Re: Can't get the pillion seat off!

Post by MickeyMoto »


Turn key, slightly lift rear of seat and with palm of hand strike the front upright part. Not hard, it will come out.

To put back,fit hooks on front and push in and down. Press rear to lock. Ensure keys are in lock as a safe place in case left under seat! :)
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Re: Can't get the pillion seat off!

Post by backfat1187 »

Mine sometimes needs a good push down at the back of the seat above the locking mechanism before turning the key.
Gary D
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Location: Stoke Golding, Warks

Re: Can't get the pillion seat off!

Post by Gary D »


I'm always amazed & grateful for the time taken in responding to the many queries on this forum. You're all a good bunch & I'm sure I speak for all new MM owners when I say that we really appreciate your efforts to help. Once I'm reunited with my beloved in the morning, I shall give your tips a try & post the outcome.

Thanks once again,

Best regards

Gary D
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Location: Stoke Golding, Warks

Re: Can't get the pillion seat off!

Post by Gary D »

Hello all

Well, it's somewhat later than expected but having finally got back to the Corsaro, I'm chuffed to report that your kind advice has resulted in success :D. Your information on the layout (a particular thank you to Tom there) & the tip on pressing the front of the seat down & easing it backward, did the trick. Thank you one & all, the tips & info gave me the confidence that I wasn't likely to break anything, during my efforts to release the seat.

All the best,

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