It's Alive !

Anything to do with the 1200 Corsaro series
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It's Alive !

Post by mms »

Hi Folks,

I have a 2006 Corsaro here in N. Ireland (Belfast), which has unfortunately given me some trouble in the past year.

This was explained in some of my reply posts of 13 and 22 January to a thread 'New member wants honest answers' started by vtxbrit, and I signed off by saying that hopefully I would be able to report back when the problems were resolved.

I am now happy to be able to do that.

All of the issues I had with the bike had been reported to my local dealer, and in turn he assured me that he had passed this info on to 3X and that any delay in response was down to 3X not bothering to respond. I went along with this for a while (6 months anyone ?) but finally confronted him when the bike had been off the road for 3 months, only to be told that he didn't really want to bother any more with the Morini he had sold me and didn't want to be a Morini dealer anymore.

This left me in the situation of being the only new model Morini owner in Ireland, but with no dealer within about 300 miles - and the small matter of the Irish Sea in between.

I contacted 3X direct, relayed all my woes to them, and they assured me this was the first they had heard of my problems and were somewhat appalled with the service from the dealer.

All I can say is that as soon as I made this contact with 3X, things started to happen at last and they agreed to give the bike a thorough inspection and carry out all of the recent factory upgrades.
I flew down into Southampton a few weeks ago, and they had the bike sitting ready as promised. I really enjoyed the run up through England on the Friday afternoon (even with the Bank Holiday traffic) and then the early morning scoot through the Welsh mountains in the sunshine on the Saturday on my way to catch the ferry across to Dublin was just wonderful.

It's a long way to get work done (500 road miles each way) but the bike is now running so well I consider it worth it.

Without a local dealer, it would probably have made more sense to change the bike to one from some other manufacturer but I can not find another bike with quite the same mix of power, torque, handling, looks, comfort and all round useability - whilst combined with that certain Italian feeling of it being something hand made with a bit of passion.

If you really don't want to have even the slightest niggle from your bike ownership, buy a VFR or similar ( and there's nothing wrong with that at all) but if you want an Italian 'V' twin you can really use on our roads, I still think the Corsaro or 9.5 are hard to beat.

I can't fault the service I have received from 3X, and am glad I have stuck with them and Morini this far.

The bike has now done around 1200 miles in the last few weeks, is doing around 40 mpg, runs through town traffic without me wanting to get off it and punch someone, and just goes so well on our local 'B' roads.

I am aware that this message will probably now invoke some sort of voodoo curse upon me and the bike may never run again, but I just wanted to thank 3X and reassure any potential owners reading the forum that the Corsaro is a damn fine bike.


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Post by Morinijen »

Hiya Michael. :)

Well.. Full credit to you for your tenacity in getting things sorted out against all the odds.

It sounds as though 3X are really good and helpful people.

Glad to hear you are now putting in the miles on your Corsaro and really enjoying it. 8)

Best Wishes,
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Post by morini_tom »

Hi Michael,

I am glad you have finally got your bike sorted and all credit to you for sticking with it. But it is a wonderful bit of kit isn't it?

3X are certainly keen to sort these minor niggles out and also worked wonders on my bike. Now all we need is a bit more PR so more mornis are sold and the dealer network improves.

Happy riding!

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Post by corsaro chris »


Would like to suggest that you send your bit to the club mag, ATG - any problems?

You deserve a medal!!! Get to the MRC Cadwell Track Day in July and they'll give you one :wink:

Good riding :D

"I'll use the Morini"
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Post by V-Fun »

Really pleased that your bike is now sorted and enjoyed reading your post.

That sounds one hell of a ride home and an exciting one too.

All the best and enjoy the coming weeks with your 'new' bike.

Kind Regards
Stephen R
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Post by normv95 »

That's great Michael,

Any clues as to what they actually did. Would love to know, may need that info in the future?

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