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Another New GranPasso Owner

Posted: 06 Nov 2009 17:52
by corsaro chris

As many of you may have gathered from several posts - and the picture on the associated topic "Soon to be a GranPasso Owner" - I have sold the trusty Corsaro and purchased a GP from 3X in Dorset...

First impressions will have to wait awhile, but suffice to say that Diane is happy with the choice as pillion - she finds it far more comfortable on the back, whilst I find riding it almost as much excitement as the Corsaro (I'd be lying if I said that it was as good!). Son Tony has also commented on the angle of lean achieved during running in - now thankfully a thing of the past with the first service mainly completed (the service icon stays on as 3X have yet to load the software that takes it off the Ducati based instrument panel...)

We aim to do far more riding together and while this might need to wait for next Spring, I will be using the bike throughout the dark winter evenings... It may even feature, along with others, on the club calendar for 2010, as I've ridden it to club meetings on several occasions already! Enough to know that I don't regret the decision one bit :)

Good riding!


Posted: 06 Nov 2009 18:22
by SteveMRC
Congratulations on the new bike

Shall I change your username to Granpasso Chris ?

If you're going to run it through the winter, cover it with ACF50 (not the brakes) now before the salt arrives, it really works. 8)

Posted: 06 Nov 2009 18:26
by corsaro chris
Thanks Steve - no leave the name as is - I think that CC is a little snappier that GPC :wink:

I have some of the Scotoiler stuff, which has already been applied - is the ACF50 better still? I noticed the instructions to keep it off the brakes - sensible!

I didn't use it on the Corsaro and noticed the results, even though I washed the bike down as soon as I returned from any ride over the winter! Not a good output :cry:

See you soon!

Still CC

Posted: 06 Nov 2009 18:37
by SteveMRC
I covered all the metal parts of my XT with ACF50 last winter (bodywork off and did all the frame , under the tank etc) and used the scottoiler spray after each wet ride.
Used every day for work, washed it all off in the spring and had NO corroded bolts or alloy at all.

I used the scottoiler spray over the summer as well, a couple of squirts each side of the bike when it was wet.
I redid the ACF50 last weekend, a messy job but worthwhile. It's like spraying chain lube over the bike and tends to attract the dirt.

Posted: 06 Nov 2009 22:34
by Red S
This may sound stupid, but what is ACF50?

I'm having a taste of a Corsaro this weekend (courtesy bike whilst the GP gets some tlc at 3X). It feels like a tiny toy after the GP, but the ride back home resulted in big grins (and massive neck muscles by Monday).

Great fun, but I can't imagine being a pillion on one :shock:

Posted: 09 Nov 2009 19:24
by toggy

Spanner on display

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 09:55
by lstrbrr
Had mine in for its first service last week and they downloaded the software from Morini and applied it so no more spanner!