Cadwell Park Track Day

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Location: Schwerte/Germany

Cadwell Park Track Day

Post by fiftyfive09 »

Dear all,
several times I heard about the a. m. event, but only after it took place or to short before to plan a visit. I think some riders from the continent would join me, if we would know the exact day early enough. We have to tell our boss that we want vacation time, book the ferry to Hull and, and, and . . .
So if anyone knows about the Track Day for 2014, please let me know immediately.
Thanks in advance,
Michael from Schwerte/Germany
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Re: Cadwell Park Track Day

Post by Emmohaswheelsagain »

Hi Michael,
I'm sorry that you found out too late for the 2013 event.
It is unfortunate that we are a victim of our own success and that each year the event is over subscribed.
We are restricted on places and its is some times impossible to balance demand with supply.
Each year we always give members first chance of an entry, so becoming a member is always a good start.
You have the option of becoming a virtual member which will give you access to our members areas, as well as our club magazine ATG.
Friends of the club who have supported the event over the past few years also receive an invitation each year and a good proportion of those
return their entries immediately. Most years we do receive entries from overseas and the club always extend a warm welcome to all.
We try to be inclusive which I believe is the very reason that the event continues in to its 32nd year.

KInd Regards

Paul E
Posts: 345
Joined: 13 Apr 2006 18:38
Location: Reading UK

Re: Cadwell Park Track Day

Post by SupermotoDave »

We are dependant on Cadwell Park for the date, and they will not offer us a date until the racing calendars have been agreed for that year. This means that we will probably not know the date until sometime in February, at which time we will let club members know just before we publish the date to everyone else.

I hope this will give you enough notice to be able to book your holidays if you decide to come, and we would love to see you (On Morinis!!)


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