Searching for Excalibur Wheels - composite type!

Excaliburs, New Yorks
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Location: Alberta, Canada

Searching for Excalibur Wheels - composite type!

Post by SoyBoySigh »

Hey there. Greetings from Alberta, Canada.

I'm searching for Excalibur wheels. The composite type with the Akront "NERVI" rims. And information from anybody who might have REBUILT them at any point. Do you need a special JIG to assemble them? Is there any better replacement hardware anybody could recommend?

More to the point:

Does anybody have a spare pair, or even just a front? Or even just some of those Akront "NERVI" rims kicking around so a person could rebuild a wheel? I'd buy 'em in any sizes but especially wider specimens of 18" so as to build a taller rear wheel to match a 2.5x18" front.

Thanks for your time!

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Joined: 14 Oct 2017 02:45
Location: Alberta, Canada

Re: Searching for Excalibur Wheels - composite type!

Post by SoyBoySigh »

Okay, DUH - Yeah, there's EBAY - and I should know, 'cause I'm all over it every damn day for the past ... decade....

(((Ugh. I've wasted my life.)))

See, I'm looking for the RIMS, you see. For a custom wheel project. I'd be willing to snap up that NOS item if it weren't for the fact that somebody ELSE might need it at some point for a full marks Excalibur restoration! I've exploited NOS stocks from other marques & models for my projects in the past, but I'd NEVER do so with such a rare and unusual model as the Excalibur. Just couldn't live with myself. Okay that's superlative but in plain truth I wouldn't be able to enjoy the bike knowing I'd screwed things up for motorcycle history.

Do they even HAVE an Excalibur in all of the major motorcycle museums? Surely at BARBER, they've got a good specimen?

Well either way, yeah - I'm looking to disassemble 'em and use the RIMS, here. Thanks for your 'help' all the same.....

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Re: Searching for Excalibur Wheels - composite type!

Post by MickeyMoto »

It is OK. Please take the wheel.... :)
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