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NEW! Green Lane Morini Section

Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:45
by Steve Brown
We're at it again soon! I have now stopped working so can set up rides at weekends as well as week days. If you're on the Whatsapp group you will already have the message. If you're not on that group then why not?
No date fixed yet but I aim to start somewhere East of Leicester and head out into the hills leading to Rutland and Nottinghamshire.
Same format as before, so nothing extreme, no racing, all legal and guaranteed 100% fun regardless of the weather.
I would prefer you rode your Morini but may turn a blind eye to other makes if my snobbery gene allows it.
So what are you waiting for? Options to suit everyone but only limited places on the great Morini green lane ride #2!

If you want to know more the Green lane section now has it's own email address-

Re: NEW! Green Lane Morini Section

Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:07
by Steve Brown
Update-The next ride will be this Thursday 15th October. Start point to be confirmed on the Whatsapp group. Somewhere between South and East Leicestershire. No record attempt this time just a ride out.

Re: NEW! Green Lane Morini Section

Posted: 28 Oct 2020 17:57
by Cosmo
Good show!
I'm also doing my bit way up north. No green lanes up here, so land access is always difficult but we got some permissions on some old stalking tracks in Assynt and off we went.
The DR fell in one of the river crossings, and my Kanguro went A over T in a deep gully, but no bones or bikes broken and we made the most of a cold blustery October day. :lol:
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Re: NEW! Green Lane Morini Section

Posted: 28 Oct 2020 19:51
by Steve Brown
Cosmo that's great to see! Keep doing your bit please :) I understand that Scotland is without the access we have to green lanes or byways-and what a crying shame that is. You have the landscape to rival that of Wales and Wales does nicely out of the extra tourist business it generates. So much more open space than we can find in England. I have an old chum in Fife who would buy a trail bike if only there were suitable legal trails for him. I keep forgetting to ask him what is the situation with the old Military roads I hear mention of?
I think if I were you I'd be keeping whoever gave you those permissions sweet-the odd bottle of malt would be a good investment maybe?
If you're ever south of the border with a trail bike you'd be welcome to join us.
Are you aware of the Whatsapp group we started? I could add you if you want to keep an eye on what we're up to.

Re: NEW! Green Lane Morini Section

Posted: 29 Oct 2020 07:58
by Ming
Great to see two bikes I have owned and loved (well, not these exact two!) doing what they are meant for.

Re: NEW! Green Lane Morini Section

Posted: 29 Oct 2020 09:17
by Cosmo
Yes Steve, I'll pm you for the what's app group as I'm interested to see how you all get on down in Leicestershire. Paradoxically, there is the right to roam anywhere on foot in Scotland, but not for vehicles. Bike access is limited here and southeast England isn't much better. We are sounding out a few areas as you see, but we do have a lot of single track roads out here compared with the rest of Scotland, so not so bad.

Re: NEW! Green Lane Morini Section

Posted: 29 Oct 2020 10:32
by MickeyMoto

Anybody know about TET, the Trans European Trail? There is an app for it. Loads of unmetalled roads in England and Wales, although reducing as 'interested parties' reduce the network. To be precise, they are not off road, but legal roads which escaped the tarmac.

Re: NEW! Green Lane Morini Section

Posted: 29 Oct 2020 16:46
by Steve Brown
Cosmo wrote:Yes Steve, I'll pm you for the what's app group as I'm interested to see how you all get on down in Leicestershire. Paradoxically, there is the right to roam anywhere on foot in Scotland, but not for vehicles. Bike access is limited here and southeast England isn't much better. We are sounding out a few areas as you see, but we do have a lot of single track roads out here compared with the rest of Scotland, so not so bad.
I'll be glad to add you to our group, which is growing steadily and members are not just in the English midlands. It'll be a while before there's anyone North of you though!
Keep on with the sounding out, if you could one day get permission a private land run you'll have hundreds friends for life. 8)

Re: NEW! Green Lane Morini Section

Posted: 29 Oct 2020 16:50
by Steve Brown
Hello Mickey, yes you're right about the TET and it's something I keep looking at. Once the Covid thing is dealt with it should be something we could set up an event for. Either sections of the TET as individuals or small groups or even as a proper hardcore 'do the whole thing' challenge for the real heroes among us. Not me then, obvs. :oops:

Edit- a worthwhile point you make too about the roads being merely un-metalled. It's still too easy to fall into the trap of describing what we do as off-road.

Next Ride! Nov 6th or 7th!

Posted: 29 Oct 2020 16:56
by Steve Brown
The next outing for the section will be a little bimble from somewhere near here for up to 6 riders (Covid restrictions etc)
It will be either the 6th or the 7th of November. Why the indecision? You'll have to get on to the Whatsapp group to find out!

EDIT! - I'm sure it will come as no surprise to you but this run is now cancelled until further notice. The lockdown from next Thursday makes it impossible to go ahead. I don't want to get any of you into any trouble or put you at any extra risk and I certainly don't want to risk the reputation of this club.
So, it's back in the workshop for me!
As soon as circumstances allow I will set up another run or two. :cry:

Re: NEW! Green Lane Morini Section

Posted: 12 Dec 2020 16:28
by jb666
This might be of interest to the off-roaders. I accessed it using chrome and the handy 'right-click' translate to English option.

Re: NEW! Green Lane Morini Section

Posted: 12 Dec 2020 18:32
by Steve Brown
That is interesting, I hadn't seen that website before. I couldn't see the date when that took place but it looks like they may have had seven trail bikes together at one time! That would mean we aren't leading the world after all :(
Anyone with a bit of Italian language ability fancy contacting them?

Re: NEW! Green Lane Morini Section

Posted: 12 Dec 2020 20:22
by jb666
Hi Steve,
They have a forum as well - the only rule being that posts are in Italian. This is not as hard as you would think - they appreciate that not everyone speaks Italian and Google translate does a good job of communicating. Also giumorin on this forum is one of the senior members on their site. I have had a couple of exchanges about stuff and it is just like here, just in Italian!!
