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GP arrives

Posted: 25 May 2012 19:47
by toggy
Hi all
Got my Scottish GP this week . Needs a fair bit of TLC . First job cleaning as it looks like its been ridden in a swamp . And by the way what bugs do they have up north that resist muc off/paraffin /white spirit/furniture polish /GT85 ? . I think the fuel tank breather is blocked as it felt like a jet of compressed air shot me on the face when opening the petrol tank . Anyone know how to remove the tank?. I can't get the foot gear selector off either ,I want to see if I can shim it out as its very sloppy . And if anyone has any suggestions on fixing a broken heated grip cable I'd be gratful .all good fun

Spoke to 3x , petrol tank issue not an issue it seems ,it's normal fhew!