web site very quiet

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web site very quiet

Post by silentsuperb »

I agree with comments made about the few who do provide for those who sit back and criticise. Whilst not a MRC member I do have a healthy interest and have noted very little activity within these pages. Certainly nothing to pursuade me to join. Is there any life out there? Stories,tech articles etc? John
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Re: web site very quiet

Post by MarkB »

I think it's something to do with hibernation.

The site is very quiet at the moment, but is a really useful source of information. The MRC is about much more than just the website. Anything that helps keep Morinis active must be worth supporting.
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Re: web site very quiet

Post by morinipete »

"I do have a healthy interest and have noted very little activity within these pages. Certainly nothing to
pursuade me to join. Is there any life out there? Stories,tech articles etc? John"

Yes plenty, and you'll not find them on a website ! If you want stories, tech articles, etc. read the magazine. But then that would require contributing to the club (i.e.joining). Who do you think pays for the website ?

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Re: web site very quiet

Post by silentsuperb »

Well at least my comments elicited response,and of the sort I would expect from club stalwarts.
The beauty of a forum is that it gives a flavour of what is going on. We all hold different interests and I personally am not really club orientated. Residing in N Wales there are no local venues anyway. I do however hold a healthy interest in the Morini 31/2 but not the recent models. I also hold membership of other clubs although admittedly for the discounts on parts etc. Lets be honest,don't most people expect something of the sort? Some of my bikes are considerably older(85 years) than the Morini so any help is of value.
I have visited the club stand at Stafford and had interesting conversations but nothing to encourage joining.Whilst not decrying the efforts of the club I was disappointed in the content of the free magazine I was given.I fully appreciate that compared to the bigger clubs,eg VMCC etc the revenue is low, hence the low tech but infectious magazine. I would have been encouraged to join had the club still operated its tool loan/hire service(user?).
Again I appreciate the financial logic in not doing so,Most owners prefer their own tools..as do I. However full rebuilds are not frequent and whilst the tools are invaluable when needed,they are a relatively expensive luxury.I dread to think how much it would cost for the special tools to suit my meagre fleet!
Apologies if I have caused dissent amongst some members. I did not intend to do so. Its simply that there are very few posts which even taking into account the suggestion of hibernation (sic) is surprising given the enthusiasm shown by members for the marque.
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Re: web site very quiet

Post by Emmohaswheelsagain »

I'm sorry John if the forum is a little quiet but many who enjoy Morini's simply have no interest in the web and prefer to meet up and enjoy a pint :D As with all clubs the membership is a cross section and as they say you only get out what you put in. If you don't have a local section then join the club and form one. You never know someone might even buy you that pint or if they are really helpful lend you those tools. There is of course the added bonus that you will get to ride your Morini. Such benefits the forum doesn't offer which is probably the main reason why it is so quiet.

Safe Riding


ps I hope you will come see us at Stafford. You never know you might even join the membership as we now have a new look mag.
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Re: web site very quiet

Post by morinipete »

May be my post was a bit abrupt, it was not intended, but I can only reiterate and reinforce what 'emohaswheelsagain' said.

As an example, last summer, we did a ride out around Leicestershire. Everyone on the forum within about 50 miles was contacted. We got double figures to turn out (not bad on a less than brilliant day), but of those only half even looked at the website (they were longtime club members contacted 'on the grape vine' - not the web) and of the others only one tends to make more than one post every 3 months. What happened to all the other 'active' web posters ?

The problem with websites, particularly for 'activity based' clubs (and I include, from personal experience, in that things like climbing clubs, etc) is that they tend to give a completely unrepresentative image of the club, what it does, who is active and who is not. I can categorically tell you the most active people in the MRC do the least posting, many are not registered, and some don't even have computers. I bet if you did a calculation those who do the highest millages do the lowest levels of posting (and visa versa).

Saying this, I do use the site, but that's because up to half the year I work abroad and its my only contection with 'Morini-dom'. It's a great substitute, but it doesn't beat chatting over a beer in a pub, a coffee in my gargae or a bottle of water track-side - in between track sessions on our (best in the World) Cadwell Park track day. And none of that can substitute for actually riding the damn thing !

Websites and chat rooms have become great additions to clubs, the MRC in particular where there are isolated owners in far flung countries, but I see the web as where people meet to meet, if you see what I mean, not a place to meet and discuss in themselves - God forbid. I'd never post a request for info for example, 'cos I know the people who know the answers. I telephone them, pop round their house, or see them at Cadwell or where ever.

By the way 'Emmo' is actually Paul. I knew Paul along time before I knew him as 'Emmo'. If Emmo stopped posting tomorrow it wouldn't make a jot of difference to me, I'd still see him around and meet up with him in odd places (though we live at different ends of the country) as we both ride just for the joy of it. I imagine it would be the same for him if I stopped posting. The MRC doesn't need the website, but the web-users need the MRC. The club would exist without the website, without the club there would be no website. So join up and pay up as if you do have all those bikes, you'd make more on your insurance saving (Footman James) than you'd pay for several years club subscrition.


PS. I've got 10 bikes, but the MRC is the only club I'm in, as Ifound the clubs covering my other bikes were c**p ! The local Section Captain (or what ever they call them) of the Triumph owners club doesn't even have one (!) and the VMCC magazine seems to largely consist of an extended obituary column !
PPS. Emmo/Paul while I'm here, I've still got your pictures of the 1981 factory visit by the way. I spoke to Nigel Clarke at Classic Bike Guide on Tuesday and he says he hasn't got any space for my piece on the 2009 visit until beyond April now. At this rate I'll be able to roll in to an article on the 2011 trip as well ! Kick him up the bum if you see him !
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Re: web site very quiet

Post by corsaro chris »

Hi Pete - lovely reply!

I must get out on the bike more - as one of the more active posters (I reckon that the odometer should be going backwards by your reckoning!) I have to agree that using the bike (Riders Club, etc) is what we're here for. Much as I might enjoy writing about Morini, riding one is even more pleasure. And many of those who do the most work for the club (and the most riding) barely register on this site...

John; you have some great roads there in North Wales, get a group of Morini riders together, either via this Forum or through joining the club, and share the pleasure!

I am doing some work up in North Wales - Colwyn Bay, if that counts - and who knows, I could be tempted to ride the Morini up that way next time to have a chat... After all, if I bump into Pete in Conwy, anything must be possible!

Good Riding,


And PS - lets hope that there is still a factory in 2011 to write about, as well as visit!
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Re: web site very quiet

Post by silentsuperb »

Well my post seems to have livened things up. I fully appreciate your observations and it is only right that a non member is put in his place.
I agree with the comments re the VMCC.It is an excellent mag in general but membership is not really beneficial other than access to Footman James et al.I was a member for over 10 years but let it lapse last year following a jobsworth scenario involving a major vintage event.
I am currently a Velo club member and receive similar insurance discounts. My '24 Enfield is not really catered for by the RE club!
The Morini is my modern bike and I am trying to get it back on the road this year..to ride. I had one in 75 and should have kept it. The folly of youth!!
Good luck to you all.Riders and wrenchers alike.We get our pleasure in differnt ways. Mine is not via club runs but I can see the attraction.
Once again,apologies for any offence I may have caused. It was not my intent.

PS. I am 25 miles from Colwyn Bay but only know of one Morini in the area and this has not been used for years.
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Re: web site very quiet

Post by corsaro chris »


A bit like my Velo then - that's not been used for years either - possibly because it's still in boxes in the shed!

We'll have to meet up sometime - and this forum (and the club!) is a great place to get the inspiration to get the Morini back together!

Good riding - on whatever you have that turns a wheel!

"I'll use the Morini"
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Re: web site very quiet

Post by Mark N.I. »

I know I'm not a full member either, yet I must add, its on my to-do list, but im 23 and living in N.I. so im more used to the forum culture.
The advise and help and friendless of people on here is great and I can only assume in the club its even better.
I am however a member of the Northern Ireland Italian Motor Club, niimc.net, though you wont see any pics of the bike as I havent got good ones to send in, but we do have 2 morinis, both new, and a guzzi and a monster, yet the forum there is non-existent, but its the meets every month, and outings where it all makes sense.
Dont judge the book by its cover I guess is what I am trying to say

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Re: web site very quiet

Post by MickeyMoto »

It isn't now...... :wink:

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Re: web site very quiet

Post by Mark N.I. »

Haha, like it :lol:

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Re: web site very quiet

Post by alan j »

That has woken us all up! I hope to be at the "Bristol Show" next weekend-weather permitting. I did manage the "Dragon rally" last weekend-it was COLD!! Didn't see any Morinis, there are usually a couple. I must confess I went by A.J.S! :D :D
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Re: web site very quiet

Post by silentsuperb »

The Dragon was very cold this year but compared with early events was almost springlike. I didnt go but have attended in the past as I used to be a member of the conway club years back. Was it still in the Capel curig area? I saw lots of bikes going through and assumed that it must be the Dragon.

Nothing wrong with an old AJAY. At least it got you there and back safely. John
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